Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Conditions for Learning

Conditions for Learning
  • Motivation- is the inner influence or behavior as represented by psychological conditions, interest,    attitudes and aspiration.
  • Retention and Forgetting- occurs when the learning have been incorporated into the learner's behavior pattern, retained, and remembered, while forgetting occurs when the brain trace which is the physical record of memory fades away.
  • Transfer of Learning- is the application of knowledge learned in one situation to a new or different learning environment or situation.
Conditions that Cause Forgetting
  • Disuse
  • Inference
  • Retroactive Inhibition
  • Proactive inhibition
  • Distortion
  • Motivated forgetting
What is Learning?
   Learning refers to the outcomes or results of an experience, knowledge and understanding, abilities and skills, habits and attitudes.It is also a process of acquiring, remembering, and applying knowledge, skills, attitudes and other modes of response. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals and some machines.Human learning may occur as part of education, personal development, school or training.

Characteristics of Learning 
  • Learning is fundamental
  • Learning is interactive
  • Learning is developmental