Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Studying Techniques to Improve Performance

We found out some techniques that worth considering. In order to improve performance, we have techniques on studying and these are: motivation to study, Distributed vs. massed practice, Recitation vs. Reading, Whole vs. Part Learning and  Organized-study routine. These study techniques have been developed to assist students or learners in improving academic performance. Whatever technique you choose, adopt it if it is helpful to you.

What is Remembering?
   Sometimes we found out ourselves not knowing the real or the facts that is worth. Remembering is to reinstate a previous experience, to recall or to produce what was learned previously. Remembering is recollecting what we have learned in the past. It is not only facts and ideas that retained in our minds but also experiences that you have encountered previously.

What is Forgetting?
   Forgetting occurs when the brain trace which is the physical record of memory fades away. It is the apparent loss of information already encoded in the memory.

Facts about Memory
   Memory is the ability to store facts and information so that it can be utilized in the future. We have various types of memory including:Episodic memory, Semantic Memory, and Procedural memory.

Therefore, techniques is worth to improve individuals performance. It can be stated that we must learn to adjust what we have learned in the past and applying it to learn a new skill set. There is an improvement made when each individual learn to be more productive not only to only one one skill but more than enough to become productive individuals.